Lumen PhotoVocab Game: Education Edition (Prerelease/Preorder)

$111.00 USD

Make learning fun. Equip players with essential vocabulary and help them grow their analytical skills through interactive gameplay.

Designed as a fun and engaging educational experience, Lumen is a card game that challenges players to pair photography vocabulary with photos. It teaches players to have a keener eye for photography and introduces them to vocabulary useful in photographic discussion and critique while also encouraging critical thinking, debate, and analysis.

Lumen is expected to set sail from China and arrive in the United States in April-May of 2024!

4-8 Players
Age 14+
20-40 Minutes

100 Vocabulary Cards + 300 Photo Cards
Player Guide

To learn more about Lumen visit our website:

The education edition of Lumen includes a QR code for registering for access to exclusive digital extras that include the Print & Play Sampler Edition, templates for creating your own Print & Play for use in your class, and assignment ideas.